
Many years ago, there was a colossal battle between the Team Zenith (led by the faster-than-light Captain Zoom) and their arch-nemeses, Concussion. Zoom finally destroyed Concussion, but not before his entire team was slain at the hands of Concussion’s sonic blasts. As the dust settled, secret departments within the military were already disseminating an official story: The turbulence was caused by an earthquake. When it was discovered that Captain Zoom had sacrificed all his powers to defeat his enemy, the military no longer had any use for him, and he once again became simply Jack Shepard. After many years, the masterminds behind the old Zenith Program, General Larraby and Dr. Grant, have reunited after detecting alarming patterns of disruption from the dimensions beyond that could threaten the fabric of human life. Their only hope is to reactivate the Zenith Program. A new talent in the studies of latent supernatural abilities, Marsha Holloway, finds four youngsters with the potential to be superhero fighters. But the reluctant quartet needs someone to teach them how to save the world–and fast!–and there’s only one man for the job, Jack Shepard.
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